Everyone is talking about the horrid commercials that aired Sunday. Bluntly, they sucked. I can think only of ONE that was good, well Coke was not bad: I drink Coca~Cola. GO Daddy was probably the best 1 aired! It reminded me of what I like about the marketing business, so creative! Well, it can be. There were 2 commercials that somehow did not get air time! I have filed a grievance with CBS to find out what happened.
One of these commercials was for AFLAC! CBS in a brief statement said "Due to the inclement weather in Miami, AFLAC officials thought it would be best not to put 'Super Duck' in the air." I think that was a crock!

But the ONE commercial that should have been shown in lieu of the "low budget" Doritos check out line pick up scene, or that heart thing ? or Chevy: what is their problem?? I turned off the commercials when I saw all these guys taking off their shirts in public! What does Chevy expect: one or 2 test drives from the female population to see if that really happens!
The commercial that was not shown was the new "ShopFromHomepage" spot! It was completed in Russia last week and then sent to CBS. They have profusely apologized for the omission and promised to play it next year at no charge: prefaced on CBS providing the coverage! We at ShopFromHomepage.com will bring more coverage the commercial in the near future. Legal remedies are being explored at this time.
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Labels: AFLAC, coke, commercial, ShopFromHomepage, Super Bowl
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