Why is it that everything seems to be so easy?
Again this week, there are plans that are being decided like any other week. You have good news that makes you know that is just going to be productive week. Sure, over the weekend were some problems with the Blog beta version: I'm working through that. Business plans have come through, maybe not on schedule, but they are here now and look good. For my usual entertainment, I am still going next door to the Dr. B show. What happened to Boston Legal last night? I was not happy., at all. William Shatner on a new game show with a flamer.wtf? and then 3lbs, not a bad show, still missed Boston.
The good news is that Lex is due in late tonight from Mexico! I cannot believe this guy goes on promos, then needs a few days off? I would say more, but I think I discussed what happened over the weekend with him. His sense of humor gets drab too. Tonight the new Homepage is supposed to go live, but I have another one of those bad feelings like it is not gonna happen and I am still up for no reason. And of course, I will be pissed! I'm already tired. Here is what it will look like. Maybe in the next 24, not sure. Maybe I will let Sir Lex handle it and I will go take a break.
Again this week, there are plans that are being decided like any other week. You have good news that makes you know that is just going to be productive week. Sure, over the weekend were some problems with the Blog beta version: I'm working through that. Business plans have come through, maybe not on schedule, but they are here now and look good. For my usual entertainment, I am still going next door to the Dr. B show. What happened to Boston Legal last night? I was not happy., at all. William Shatner on a new game show with a flamer.wtf? and then 3lbs, not a bad show, still missed Boston.
The good news is that Lex is due in late tonight from Mexico! I cannot believe this guy goes on promos, then needs a few days off? I would say more, but I think I discussed what happened over the weekend with him. His sense of humor gets drab too. Tonight the new Homepage is supposed to go live, but I have another one of those bad feelings like it is not gonna happen and I am still up for no reason. And of course, I will be pissed! I'm already tired. Here is what it will look like. Maybe in the next 24, not sure. Maybe I will let Sir Lex handle it and I will go take a break.
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