~~~~If you Build It, They will come...~~~~
Well, it is built and I am wondering if the dude that said this famous line ever got his project built. What do you think it was? The airplane? The Space Shuttle? The Pocket Fisherman? I am really curious! So if someone would please start researching this topic we will keep your seat saved for you. We look forward to that report!!
Ok! Well I don't know about you but I'm excited about that! But I am also excited about the website being built and now, ~~~~they~~~~will~~~~come~~~~. Sure, there will be some minor changes, and a few biggies like adding more cities, but not until year end. For the surfers out there, perhaps you visited Contact Us.. If no one caught it, then now is your chance! Got suggestions on where to consider? Now you can. It will become more notable soon!
Today, it has been Sunday. Still is as a matter of fact :)....I explored more shops and met more people to educate the benefits and opportunities now available for the few. What a country. I mean think about it! Nobody will tell you how your business is going to be successful. SFH offers a "few", yes, a few business owners an opportunity for unique exposure. Not everyone will be able to get on the map, even if they wanted to. Space is limited. Airplanes, buses, hotels, what doesn't have limited space? Even when there is an infinite amount of space, the choice is still yours. Get on the map, or go your own way. Did you know that last week I was looking for Lowes Building Supplies? Now you are saying, "Who the hell cares, right?" Chill for a second, Lowes was not even listed in the Yellow Pages, why? They figure they don't need it. And they are right. I don't need to go from there to hunt down phone numbers for them! They are now deleted.
As I told some owners, when you choose your location, the competition has basically been eliminated. Viewers do not have to search through the maze for a provider. Sure, your choices have been reduced, but in exchange for that, you get to take a ride on just 1 step of the new evolution ladder! Way2go, your on the road with web2.0! Competition is still very much alive my friends, but so is the brilliance of the adaptability of the internet! The stores on the map, while they provide convenience, they do not necessarily charge the corner convenience store rate of cost + 500%..
Friends, associates..You know that I am extremely passionate about this company. For I can see clearly all the benefits for you, businesses, everyone. So stay close and join me for the walks on the streets and the other means to which I will use to inform everyone that there is a new benefit in town. Who knows, maybe some of you will get a free T-Shirt or an autograph signed by "Shop"!

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