First it was ~~~~If you Build It, They will come...~~~~, now it was ~~Send It And I Will Read It~~! I read your mails and after personally being entertained, I understand and will return to ShopFromHomepage and why we are here.
Have you ever wanted to know about your community and what it offers? I mean locally. In the past, there have been a few ways to accomplish this task, some of which are: ask your neighbor or the guy at the corner selling newspapers that looks like he has been around for years. If you feel like taking a Sunday drive, you can gas up the Dodge and take the family for some local site seeing and note taking. You may learn of some new streets, neighborhoods, and some other locals telling you how to get back to your own community. The home computer may be able to supply some information for you, the local customer, who is looking for local business. Search Engines are fantastic for supplying information about everything to nothing. When you enter your search terms(AdWords,etc) hopefully your query will be answered.
Let's also hope that "local business", sometimes referred to as small business is familiar with a term known as SEO and applies it.
There are still plenty of other ways to find a steakhouse or tofu burger in your area.In the past, we have flipped through a few pages in the "local" phone book. You would need rather the Yellow colored book if you are unfamiliar with a name, which is the point here. When looking for, say, an optometrist(your eyes get tired searching??)check out all those listings and generally I go for the big box ad, so if you have a little ad, sorry. TV, radio, are both expensive and time sensitive: are you going to be listening when they mention that 5 star steakhouse in "YOUR" area? If you do, then you can write it down since you have pencil and paper and go look it up on the computer: you will always find the information that has been entered or allowed by the engines,??.
Perhaps I seem a little colorful at times in my analogies and descriptions: but I do so for a reason. I have had to experience the changes that take place today in all the metro cities. Dynamic expansion has created a paradigm shift: the world is no longer the same. Web2.0 has been evolving and is here to change our lives for the better:IMO. Reality is that the way we use the web is changing and more and more people are focusing on community: information needs will evolve to an increasing demand for local rather than global.
Therefore, the premise for my paradigm is to create local, functional, and an easy tool to reconnect the old idea that Local Business was and is created for local customers: local community. The local business owners today face enough obstacles trying to compete with Daddy Warbucks and they have a new friend. offers some of the most cost effective marketing available and it is created on the basis of locality.
This concludes today's rendition of why we are here. I will try and loosen it up a little soon: maybe in a few hours if I don't get anymore complaints from anyone.

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