What did I ever do to E-Machine? My laptop froze, crashed, burned Thursday night! Buyer BEWARE! Get a Dell! Alienware, that's cool stuff, but stay away from the E-mach sheen. Moving on,...there is a buzz going on about a letter I sent to the doctor, and it's a weird kind of feeling I'm getting. Kind of like butterfly's. During my campaign I have gone door to door, kissed babes, taken gratuitous gifts: all because of a map. The map that will change the world. Yeah, I guess I can see that as creating a little buzz?? But it's like being in a political time warp! Or maybe not, who knows, but it's curious to say the least--__--__..
Thursday, yes, that was the day I went for breakfast to explain the need to get on the map. Then came lunch, and if you thought I discussed the need for everyone in the room to get on the map, well, your right again. After lunch, the nice people that invited me were giving away prizes. You leave a business card(like the one in the picture post past) and they choose. Well, guess who won? Difficult hmmm? I won a $50.00 gift cert! for a haircut! :) :) :) The bounds of comedy have no limit!
Tomorrow, Sunday, day of rest. Interesting concept. I however will be out ~~Walking The Streets Of Tucson~~ and I have to tell you, I need a vacation! So it looks like I'm going to hop on a bus and head east to Houston. They need me, their native son: to come back and change the map of Houston just 1 more time! ha ha ha. Have any of you been to my hometown? Ever tried to find anything? Including a cab? I, a native, have spent hours once driving to areas where it would make sense for a store to be! Now I am convinced there is no sense. Yes Houston, I hear you and the time is

drawing near.
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