The Moment It Hit Me
It has been 8 months since it hit me. What hit me? Where I relocated to.I moved to Tucson 11 months ago and have never been able to find anything near where I live. ShopFromHomepage was created to provide merchants the opportunity to let us know where they are: the site is undergoing construction, so enjoy the entertainment for now!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Hmmm, Kim Jong Li

Originally, I was planning to use this photo on Lex's blog, but I decided to humor this one again after the chats with Mahamoud. So here is Kim Jong Li: what a life this guy has. He wears shades that are his signature brand and the same clothes, or else he has several pair. But this picture caught my attention because for the life of me, I can't figure out why the guy to his right is using binoculars. Are they expecting company? Is this just a quick photo op before all hell breaks lose? Was this taken for Kim's Holiday Greeting cards? For N. Koreans screensaver? I don't know, but the guy with the binoculars immediately captured my attention.
Labels: Kim Jong Li, Korea, Lex Luthor
Friday, December 15, 2006
I Have Been Peeped!
And by more than 25 people. Thanks to my friends at MyBlogLog, which really is a cool, yet exclusive pool of talent. The message was presented as well as a solution for those of you, like me, that travel either within your city or afar. Have you ever been to another city and had to ask a cabby for all your needs and then get taken for a ride. More seriously, we know that there are so many places of business that you would patronize if you only knew of their existence: first a business has to embrace opportunity for more customers. Once they get on the map you will be able find more local shops, not just a Wal-Mart!
So now what? It's Friday. Do you really think I write an entry daily? Now I have to go next door and have a go at Lex's site. See you over the weekend and get on the map! And as one incredibly bright beauty permeates genius, so to does this.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006

From A Recent Memo Sent To Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
As we said, it's not a question of whether Iran is ready to embrace the benefits and needs that would be resolved with a map of cities like Tehran. The management team does not believe that it would be prudent to visit unstable areas of the Middle East. After reading the e-mail that was sent to all Americans, it almost convinced many of us that Iran could be a pleasant place to do business since they share the same values(or atleast that's what he implied in his 12 page e-mail).
Sorry Mahmoud, until we receive positive comments, we will have to pass. Are there really businesses that want to advertise their wares? Do merchants want more customers? Do merchants have a $100 bucks to get on a map of Tehran to let the people of Tehran with money or barter ability find them. Does anyone want to find anyone? These are all questions that we can not answer at this time. Thank you for your interest in ShopFromHomepage.
Labels: Ahmadinejad, Iran, ShopFromHomepage
Congratulations Alex And Good Luck Advertisers !
Do small companies know how to advertise? Most do not and that is why many will not: they do not see value in spending money when their revenues are low. Most of us know that in order to expand, you need more customers and the only way to attract them is to let people know you exist, or you won't exist. In today's market, there are plenty of articles informing local/small business owners that they need a website and blog; what they don't know is if the site is not optimized, they will be on page 12 of Google.
When merchants hear of fads like Pixelotto, they believe that traffic to their store will increase thereby bringing more business. What they do not realize is that the hits are being generated by many people who are just interested in a chance at a million dollars. So the question is, are people interested in the advertisers or the purse? Considering that the format utilizes a random method for advertising, then the only real way to have someone visit your store is by using a unique image and will they be able to visit the store or are they 1000 miles away?
The only possible winners in a Pixelotto type medium are businesses that rely predominantly on e-commerce and thereby location is irrelevant. For a business that needs targeted traffic, they need a different solution: one like which was developed 6 months ago and offers no gimmicks, only an inexpensive format to attract customers interested in shopping local. Local needs can be met using this type of medium and all statistics indicate that local searches are becoming the predominate over global.
If your business is dependent and established to served the needs of localities within a city as most are, then novelties are not the most cost effective solutions that some have claimed. Being charged for hits and not having your storefront viewed is not worth any price. Should a business be rewarded for a product or service that may not perform? If you want customers to shop, let them ShopFromHomepage.
Friday, December 08, 2006
It appears that Pixelotto is losing some momentum
Is it because people realize that they are buying worthless hits? Most lotteries keep about 6% of the take and disburse the rest, so maybe people think Alex is too greedy by having his advertisers pick up the tab for his milliondollarhomepage lottery. Perhaps Alex Tew should have charged the original dollar and given away half of those earnings? I mean, $500,000 is pretty good: can you really expect to make a million bucks a year? Are there any stats from Alex that support any results of sales or quality traffic? That would be really interesting to know that brick and mortar stores are receiving more business or even internet companies as a direct result from Pixelotto. Any thoughts from you guys?
Labels: Alex Tew, Milliondollarhomepage, Pixelotto, ShopFromHomepage
Monday, December 04, 2006

Is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Ready For ShopFromHomepage?
It's not a question of whether Ahmadinejad is ready to embrace the benefits and needs that would be resolved with a map of cities like Tehran. The management team does not believe that it would be prudent to visit these unstable areas of the Middle East. After reading the e-mail that was sent to all Americans, it almost convinced many of us that Iran could be a pleasant place to do business since they share the same values(or atleast that's what he implied in his 12 page e-mail).
Sorry Mahmoud, unless we receive positive comments, we will have to pass. Are there really businesses that want to advertise their wares? Do merchants want more customers? Do merchants have a $100 bucks to get on a map of Tehran to let the people of Tehran with money or barter ability find them. Does anyone want to find anyone? These are all questions that we can not answer at this time. And personally
Mahmoud, you just scare me with those devil eyes!
Iraq. Does anyone want to talk about or hear about it? It's talked to death(interesting choice of words). I just want to pose 1 question and that's about turbans. What is it with turbans? Are they really just a fashion statement? Do they wear them to cover up a bald spot? Several other possibilities are they provide easy surrendering when faced by the enemy(us), great as a handkerchief, napkin, to dry off the camel after washing, towel for drying off after a shower? The list goes on and on. I guess I never really thought of it. Maybe I just answered my own question??
Labels: $100 bucks, Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, ShopFromHomepage, Tehran
Friday, December 01, 2006
Friday night.
Well if you know what happened then you understand that this was an eventful evening. It is looking more and more like Lex Luthor was the target of some sort of plot. Ever since he made mention of the Chinese government, there have been rumors; but tonight, Lex was fallen by an intruder at the show. His Russian entourage escorted him by plane to Moscow for observation. I cannot answer as to when he will return.
Father Radic and I both pray for his swift recovery and end to these attempts against him. Please help us support Lex.
Thank you.
Labels: Edmond, Lex Luthor, Mikel Gorbachev, Russia, ShopFromHomepage, Stolichnaya